It's interesting and somewhat sad that some of you are now living in what was a childhood reality for many of us senior members. The threat of thermo-nuclear war now hangs over us as it did during my childhood. The fact that it never happened does not mean that we didn't learn and prepare for such an event.
I had hoped that the world would progress to a point to where this would never be something that had to be prepared for in grade schools, but it looks as if my hopes were for nothing. Lets all hope that once again, we prepare for something that never happens.
And, lets hope that they do develop a clean energy source that's only byproduct is a calorie free form of chocolate.
Godzilla, where are you now that we need you again?
Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you,
Jesus Christ and the American G. I.
One died for your soul, the other for your freedom