What did Andrew say?
Remember when you write that story that you need second source confirmation - you don't know that Andrew doesn't have a vendetta against the vice chancellor.
What are the professors supposedly doing that has them being monitored?
Then you need to weigh whether or not to do anything with the story. So far all you have is a gossip column. Andrew told me that the VC told him that the journalism profs are out to get him. If the university is monitoring their email accounts, is that something that is 1) a crime 2) wrong or 3) of genuine (not purient) interest to the public?
Those guys can help you with the legal aspects of the story - and might be able to help you decide whether it is, in fact, a story or not.
Remember that you are in college and that means your readers are almost universally itching for the chance to get riled up against "the system," so be sure whatever you write is legit, rather than simply reactionary incitement
and here's one more thing for you to chew on:
Test your story and your source against those points. . .