UStwo and ASU....have you read or studied the Koran?
I havent, so maybe you can put your references and commentary from the Koran in context.
I'm not a biblical scholar either, but I could cherrry pick quotes from the Old and New Testament that would suggest a similar message to what you ascribe to Islam.
If you havent read the Koran and dont want to take the time, I would at least suggest reading a statement from Jordan's King Abdullah:
We are aware of the dangers and challenges the Islamic Nation is facing today at this difficult juncture of its course. Evils threaten its identity, incite disunity, tarnish its religion and assail its tenets; they attack fiercely the very message of Islam. Some who attack Islam imagine it is their enemy. But it is not their enemy. Others, who claim to belong to Islam, have done gruesome and criminal acts in its name. The message that is under attack is the message of tolerance, revealed by the Almighty to His prophet Muhammad, God's prayers and salutations be upon him, and carried after him by his orthodox successors and household members: a message of brotherhood and humanity; forming a righteous religion that embraces the entire sphere of human life, upholding what is good and forbidding what is wrong, accepting of others, and honouring all human beings.
You will find many references to the Koran, not in full contex either, but at least from someone whom I would suggest is more authoritative on the Koran than either of you.