Originally Posted by kutulu
Another thing, I hate the term 'check card'. It's a marketting term banks invented to make their debit card sound different.
A debit card and a check card are different, it's not just a marketing term. A debit card doesn't have a credit card logo, and therefore cannot be used as a credit card. A check card can be used as either a credit card or a debit card. There are places that take credit cards, but don't take debit cards.
I only write checks for rent. The only reason I do that (and not online banking) is because I want the money taken out as late as possible, not five days before it's due. Otherwise, I'd use online banking for that too. I pay all of my bills with online banking, except for my car insurance (direct withdrawal saves a fee every month), and am glad that I switched from writing checks for that as well. I decide when the money comes out of my account... I don't have to deal with the variables of mail delivery and when the payee decides to cash it. It makes things a lot easier to budget. I've never used my checkbook register... I have carbon checks, and everything gets put into an Excel spreadsheet instead of a checkbook register.