I write checks for bills that I have to snail mail. We have a few companies that we pay regularly that do not have web payment service and who charge a fee to pay by phone. Thus we write checks for those. Often we'll take the checkbook with us on trips. We learned this the hard way. Our bank made an error in transmission to the ATM company and we were minus over $300 for a whole weekend. The $300 we were PLANNING to have because we were out of town. We went without a supper meal because nothing would take our debit card. If we'd had our checkbook with us we could have possible used it in some location. We do not have a credit card currently because we aren't restrained enough to avoid using it at all and it would be necessary that we carry only a $0 balance from month to month or we'd get ourselves in trouble again. Been there done that.
Occasionally I will take the checkbook with me to the store and may or may not use it. Mostly because when we deposit at the bank it takes sometimes up to 3 hours before the ATM is updated and our debit card will show the money we've deposited. The checkbook can be used whether the money is shown to be there or not. Though some places are using the instant checking thing now so I don't know how that would work if the ATM hasn't been updated. Haven't had that experience yet.
We have had the same box of checks for 2 years so you can see we don't use them much.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.