Originally Posted by billege
Frogza, if not thing else you should be given credit for attempting to start such a thread with class and respect. Good job there.
So far as the belief system you describe goes, I have no problem with it *(other than totally disagreeing)* until that last part I quoted. That's where my willingness to argue with "Christians" begins.
I've read a fair amount of the bible during my Catholic upbringing, and I'll be durned if I remember the section that taught what you describe in the quote above. I do remmber Jesus saying somthing about "let the first among you with no sin, cast the first stone." I also remember him saying "Turn the other cheek."
Should "Christians" be offended by gay marriage as an "attack" its both somthing they've made up and applied to themselves, and past that, have chosen to ignore Jesus' teachings as they apply here.
True believers in God's "Christian" teachings would have the faith to let God deal with the enforcement of God's rules.
He appointed no man as judge upon another man, He Himself held that privledge.
In *my* understanding of the gospels, True believers should unconditionally love "sinners" as Jesus did, and offer them both infinite compassion and understanding.
If God should decide gays are "going to hell" unless they repent thier "evilness" then let God make that decision when he returns to judge us all. Anything else is both a misunderstanding of the Bible's teachings, and presumption of God's own thoughts; which is blasphamey.
Anyone with a true belief in Christ and His teachings would open thier door to gays, and break bread with them. True believers would show the unconditional love that God showed us when He sent His only Son.
If the "gay" would turn away, that's thier choice, and they face it alone; between themselves and God, not man.
If you would go back and read my OP, you'll find that I do not understand or support gay bashing or shunning.
I do not advocate shunning people for not abiding by the laws that Christ set in place. This is something he addressed when he explained that the healthy have no need of a physisician. A churches job, regardless of its core of beliefs, is to take people as they are and help them change into something better. That would mean, removing the traits that don't fit and adding others that do.
The premise of Christian churches is that they are in some way founded by God himself. The authority to teach was given either through direct lineage (Catholic Church) or an enlightening of some kind (Most other Christian churches) Both methods of assembly claim divine help in some form. Therefore it is claimed that the teachings of these churches are from God himself. The current trend of adding or taking away from a churches belief system is baffling to me. If people believe that God started the church they belong to, how then can they justify taking teachings away or adding new doctrines via a popular vote? By so doing, they are voiding the claim of divine guidance in their church.