Well as a woman and a receptionist, I can definitely relate to your situation. I work in a law firm, and there simply isn't more work for me to do (I am sometimes given odd jobs from the legal secretaries - stuffing envelopes, etc - but mainly my job is to answer the phones and if they arn't ringing, I'm left to surf the web). I have found that this site itself is great for using up some time - I tend to read a lot of forums that I might not normally visit. Also, with my free time, I have been using it to my advantage to read up on things that I wouldn't normally have time to - you can learn a lot on the web! A few fun sites are
www.exoduster.com, and
www.hurtwood.demon.co.uk/Fun/copter.swf. I also enjoy researching fantasy vacations, etc. Hope some of these ideas help