Originally Posted by JinnKai
I'm so confused. Why haven't we invaded the hell outta North Korea?
Wasn't our entire justification for going into Iraq because they were hiding potential WMDs? We didn't even find any, for crissake. Now NK is blowing up verified nukes underground and we don't do anything? Is it because Iraq was an easier target? I guess all we're missing is a North Korean to blow up a large US building.
NK is just a smokescreen for the left to say 'what about' but don't fool youself to think their would be any support for a real attack. I'd be far more inclined and worried about Iran and their nuclear program than NK. NK is disturbing, but its an isolated fucked up little nation. NK might sell Islamic radicals a bomb, Iran is controlled by them.
The political climate is such in the US right now we can't really do anything. We are in fact crippled. Now another question is why isn't France, Germany, Italy, or any of those nations doing something about it? As usual everyone expects and hopes the US does something.