A strike is the wrong way to go in this situation... and for some reason.. this administration agrees. A strike is exactly what Kim wants and if we give it to him he will use it to start a nuclear war. He is looking for the excuse and seems to be doing anything he can to provoke it.
At this point what we should do is isolate the country. Completely cut it of from all aid and trade and stop fucking around. When the people in the country start to starve they'll begin to rethink their choice in leadership. Even if this solution does provoke a war it will have weakened the NK forces and people so much they will not stand much of a chance in combat.. nuclear or otherwise.. and the peope will be more willing to help fight against their own state leadership.
At this point the people are (most likely) pumped up about their new-found nuclear "strength". They'll be more inclined to be behind their leader at this point in time because they see him as strong. Now is not to the time to attack. Sanctions will help change their minds and maybe Kim's. Though, while it is unlikely Kim will change on this, he will have little choice but to cooperate. He knows he doesn't stand any chance even with his shiny new nukes.
Sanctions may really be the only way to effectively deal with this situation. As much as it pains me to agree with the Bush administration... they are actually taking the right course of action on this "problem". (Iraq tho.. woah..way off.. any 3rd grader could have told you what was going to happen with that plan...)
We Must Dissent.