Japan moving militarily would be disastrous. Not until they have resolved their differences with their neighbors. In fact, Japan is probably the worst party to be involved in a Korean dispute. No way the Koreans will listen the Japanese, it's like throwing gas on a fire.
Russia is useless. No way they could make a move on N K. Their poor excuse for a military would take heavy losses deemed unacceptable.
I too think that NK is capable of doing the "going down in a blaze of glory and trying to take out as many people as possible". It's too bad how little we know of them.
Best moves? In my opinion, S Korea should move the capital all the way south the seaside (at least out of range of the 10,000s artillery now aimed at Seoul. Stop playing games with the North and hold them accountable. US military out except for advisors and similar personel.
China lacks will power and fear the collapse of the NK. But NK is making China their bitch right now, how can anyone respect that? China prefere the status quo and not rock the boat. They mostly want to protect their economy more than anything else. A war on their hands is not something they want. On the other hand, if they took a prominent role in the handling of the Korean mess, they could come out looking good and the Chinese leaders like that.
If it came down to conflict: China should definitely put the smack down (if it even can). Demand help from the UN to help with the inevitable refugee crisis, move military to the border, start air patrols and sea patrols. Cease all aid to NK. UN can air drop relief if it wants. I don't know, doesn't seem all that great either.
For a long shot: Or how about some reverse psychology? Yay NK, good for you, welcome to the nuclear club. Ignore, ignore. I mean, what do they want? What's the point of going nuclear? If they claim it's for energy and security, ok, call them on it. No ones gonna attack them, no one cares about them. If we take away the "power" of nukes from NK, then what? What if we all pretend not to care about NK and their lil' nukes? I swear, lil' Kim is like a little spoiled brat who just wants attention and uses nukes to get it. What a wanker. Maybe child psychology would work on him.
Japan does have a "Self Defense Forces". But under Article 9 of their constitution they aren't supposed to use it for anything other than self-defense. that's why their involvment is so controversial. Many Japanese and their neighbors are unhappy with this direction.
Japan is highly advanced. They are estimated to be able to produce a nuclear weapon within a year or so. They are considered nuclear capable. They are not as weak as they may appear to be though smaller in number, they are more advanced. Plus the US supposedly provides for their defense.
I don't think they can invade and occupy though, that's a whole different ball game.
Last edited by jorgelito; 10-09-2006 at 06:21 PM..
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