Originally Posted by willravel
Let Japan take this one. They have vested interest, they are at most risk, and they haven't botched a war in like 50 years. They have a capable military, and I seriously, seriously doubt China will back NK. China wants to roll with the fast and furious nations, reving their big engines and driving circles around everyone else, and NK just got a pinto. Japan's good people. They know what they have to do, and their troops are *gasp* actually trained for jungle comat! $5 says that they handle NK better than we handled Iraq.
Willravel is totally correct IMO. Yes, let Japan field this upcoming battle (of words we hope/desire - not weapons) It's in their neighborhood and they do still have the upper hand in technology & sanctions - not us as some hope and thought. The Japanese ARE good people in my mind, in that they know that threats are wasted upon major players world wide. In fact, wouldn't it be great to share the responsibility of "keeping the world" safe with players such as China & Japan. That would be a smart move politically for our leaders to date.
We need the Asians as much as they need us in the USA. BTW - Our stockmarkets ARE joined at the hip in so many ways. It's almost scary if one isn't diversified enough to roll with all these punches.