here is the first post regarding neofascist parties in western europe--i concentrated on the front national first because i am most familiar with them and because they are among the models for most neofascist organizations, organizationally and ideologically.
there is a ton of stuff available in french, but less in english.
so i opted to bite only english material, even though it is not a comparably quality or quantity.
if you read french, you should have a look at the fn's website for its own summary of its platform.
also have a look at the dispute page on the wikipedia article.
a summary taken from a 1989 analysis of the french Front National.
the rest of the analysis is available at the link below.
a bibiliography site:
the Front National website's summary of the party's positions on immigration (which is of a piece with its position regarding islam)--in french:
another short english article about the fn:
the wikipedia article regarding the front national (along with a very strange dispute page regarding its neutrality, etc..)
from the above, the fjordman's political position should be clear--work it out for yourself, the co-ordinates are obvious.
this is a nice compact comparative website on neofascism in general.
this should be enough to erase and ambiguity about the positioning of mr. fjordman and about what i meant above concerning the blog from which the op was drawn.