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Old 10-08-2006, 10:40 PM   #18 (permalink)
Kiss of Death
Location: Perpetual wind and sorrow
As I grow and adapt to the current climate I find myself perplexed at the current situation. Let me speak from personal perspective if I may.

Hiredgun, I find your sentiments sincere, and I praise your feelings. I wish I could find them uniform amongst your religion. Saying that I hope does not come off as ignorant or offensive. Obviously a lot of the portrayal does have a lot to do with the selective nature of the media and the world at large. But yet I do not find things so simple.

Take the world at large, in this context the Muslim/Islamic world. Look at the spread of Sharian law throughout the muslim world. I see no good coming from the likes of African Islamic nations, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Somalia, Nigeria. The Middle East, Syria, Lebanon, The House of Saud, Iran, all very problematic. The Balkans? Georgia? The far East? Pakistan? Kashmir? Even in the South East area, Indonesia is marred with problems.

Some here might equate the problem as extremism, hopefully that's what it is. The Islamic world is and has been facing a major problem for a long time. I have no problem saying that it is something innate to the nature of the religion.

I'm sure my having said that will no doubt stir the inference of Christian culpability in the world history, do me a favor and piss off if you try and play that card, it in no way addresses the real issues posed to this current world climate that Islam poses.

We don't find ourselves having problems with historically "christian nations", nations that are no doubt by and large free and democratic.

No doubt we are at a turning point in the grand scheme of world history. Europe is faced with a major problem concerning it's citizenry. To be honest my google skills are not "l33t", so I have a hard time referencing this. However, within this century I have seen figures that have pointed to an Islamic take over of Western Europe. Within generations a strong part of the population will be muslim, here is an example for a reference at this time. ,

I know links aren't appreciated, but I don't feel like adding that much information to my post. Don't blame this on laziness, for me it's a matter of relevance.

This poses problems as Islam is by and large becoming increasingly militant in the world? Is it just extremists? Where are the rest of you? Are you afraid to speak up?

Perhaps the worst part is reasonable muslims by and large only exist in the "west". But a big problem is the growth of Extremism the world round, and sadly it is no longer being limited to the Middle East; it is growing in the west.

Maybe instead of labeling anybody who sees this growing trend and problem in Islam as a bigot, the issue actually gets addressed. Call me ignorant, but if you think there is no clash of civilizations, I must ask of you what world do you live in, and if you would be so kind could you please point me to the rainbow bunny sunshine.

I hope this makes a lick of sense.
To win a war you must serve no master but your ambition.
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