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Old 10-08-2006, 07:38 PM   #31 (permalink)
Originally Posted by roachboy
"the parasitic classes"....
and who might they be, ustwo?
roachboy, I was beginning to think that he might be referring to these examples of "the parasite classes"
Illegal Union Busting Wal-Mart Exec. Thomas Coughlin sentenced:

Anddrew Fastow, criminal Enron CEO, responsible for loss of life savings of many employees, sentenced to 6 years:

Times’ Paul Krugman Opens Convocation Series

By Adam C. Khatib

Oberlin’s 2006-7 Convocation Series opened this Tuesday with a lecture by award winning economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, delivered to a capacity crowd in Finney Chapel.

His lecture, titled “The Great Unraveling,” dealt with the increasing income disparity in America and its relation to the rising polarity found in American politics. “If I had to sum up very quickly what I’ve been working on,” he said, “the quick statement would be, ‘What the hell happened to us? How did our society become so bitterly divided?’”

Krugman focused most of his talk on what he noted as his first love: history.

Speaking briefly of the myth of American society as beginning with humble “yeomen farmers,” Krugman noted that, though America has always had some amount of wealth inequality, it has now reached unprecedented levels.

Krugman saw a large narrowing of the income gap between the top and bottom of our society between the late 1920s and the post-World War II period — a concept he referred to as “The Great Compression.” He said this less polarized society lasted for about 35 years after the end of World War II. At this point, according to Krugman, everything changed.

“Since around 1980 we’ve being living during the emergence of a New Guilded Age of enormous inequality,” he said.

Using General Motors and Wal-Mart as specific examples, Krugman compared the growth in the disparity of wages between CEOs and workers over the years. The average corporation in the late 1960s showed that the salary of a typical CEO was 30 to 40 times that of the average worker. Now, he said, CEOs are paid more on the order of 400 times the salary of an average worker for their company......
......but then, I read this post:
Originally Posted by Ustwo
.......Face it bub, you don't know me and quite frankly I found this last post of yours insulting......
Since when does what the receiver of the insult, "finds", of any importance, around here? This is the benchmark, the "standard" defined it, deal with it:

and the following ones...these are insulting:
Originally Posted by Ustwo
<a href="">QUOTE=Ustwo</a>] host we don't have to dig deeper than CNN's headline, this was just ONE example. See the Cartoon riots for an example.

Must you try to tie EVERY post you make to Bush? I think you have a crush on him. Oh and 'pretzeldent' is a new one for me. I think I finally figured out why you never post anything outside of politics (unless it has to do with the politics board). Its very hard to tie 'my parents are getting a divorce' to 'Bush is evil', but I think you of all people could manage.
Originally Posted by host
<a href="">QUOTE=host</a> I've had enough of it, stevo. The intent of the <b>"you never post anything outside politics"</b> comment, was a first step in baiting the mods into closing this thread. It worked when he "went down that road" in the <b> Bush & Blair Knew & Both Went on Vacation; Is the Code Red Terror Alert Legitimate?</b>, thread. I want that tactic to stop. The fact that he is still here....still doing it....speaks volumes.
Originally Posted by Ustwo
<a href="">QUOTE=Ustwo</a>] host you neglected to link the 'Bush is involved in human sacrafice' post, that was a hoot, and why your 'Bush lost me' post got such a reaction from me, I don't believe you.

You also think 9/11 was a government plot, yet Bush lost YOU after 9/11?

Come on host we are not the uneducated Amish like people you once accused us of being

Its no wonder you don't think we are at war with Islamofascists as you think we have done it to ourselves.

That was the question here, nothing about the pretzeldent.

And I do owe you an appology. I did miss the three posts you made outside of politics/parinoia in the last 2 years that didn't directly involve politics (according to the search function). This may seem sarcastic since it has been only 3 out of 488, but since those three are somewhat recent I assume this is an ernest effort on your part.

Last edited by host; 10-08-2006 at 08:13 PM..
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