Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
I am an "only child", therefore, by sheer definition...no siblings. I did, however, have a close friend that had a drop dead gorgeous sister. I always wondered how he could not...y'know. But, it was his sister. Having no siblings, I could not empathize. But I still wonder, to this day, if he didn't at least think about it.
cos when u got a brother or sister that is hot, your too pre-occupied with all the shit that they do that get on your nerves 99.999999% of the time that physical attraction is a non factor.
though i have heard of cases trhough the news where siblings have hooked up, but in similar circumstances to these guys, as well as one case where two people hooked up, had kids, only to learn later that they are brother and sister. go figure that one out. what are they to do now? from memory they stayed on as husband and wife.