Originally Posted by Ustwo
This is a gross generalization Uber. A cultural trend does not mean everyone in a culture follows it, approves of it, or supports it. I don't know what percentage of the Islamic world would qualify as an 'Islamofacist' but they have come to represent modern Islam, like it or not.
Stevo and I never even suggested that they are ALL like that, or that even every Islamic population is like that, but currently the ones that are, and there are millions of them, and they control several governments, are a threat to the progress as we see it and the Western World as a whole.
Over a third of the muslims in the world are in these 10 countires
1 Indonesia (182,570,000 muslims)
2 Pakistan (134,480,000)
3 India (121,000,000)
4 Bangladesh (114,080,000)
5 Turkey (65,510,000)
6 Iran (62,430,000)
7 Egypt (58,630,000)
8 Nigeria (53,000,000)
9 Algeria (30,530,000)
10 Morocco (28,780,000)
Which of these top 10 countries with muslim populations are controlled by what you call "islamofacists? - Iran
Which are becoming more radicalized both at the government level and among the Islamic populous, in part because of US policy (granted that islamic extremism existed long before Bush)?
You dont defeat the extremists with policy and rhetoric that turns more moderate muslims to their side. At least Condi Rice recognized that:
In a controversial move within the administration, [Undersecretary of State Karen] Hughes and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice seem to have persuaded Bush — temporarily, at least — to drop the label “Islamic fascism” from his speeches; diplomats say that Muslims hear it as an attack on their religion, thereby validating the extremists’ false charge that the United States is at war with Islam.
The move is a blow to conservatives, who celebrated last month when President Bush used the term several times in his speeches on terrorism. The phrase is a favorite of right-wing commentators like Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity; the AP called it “the new buzzword” for conservatives “in an election season dominated by an unpopular war in Iraq.”
And who the fuck is the fjordman....for all I know he is just a eurofacist.