Originally Posted by host
I am on the verge of starting a thread tilted, "Is this enough"? We all have our own individual tolerance, a line that cannot be crossed before we'll do.....what?
How many have decided that they will simply look "the other way", no matter what former protections and rights, "under the law", are simply appropriated by the "unitary exectuive"?
What if there was a knock on your door, and some authority announced that they were authorized to seize your remote channel changer?
There are so many different lines for people of when they will say 'enough'. It usually has to do with the inability to understand what freedom and liberty was supposed to be and replace that with the comfort of feeling safe with protection provided by the government. I suspect some people would be perfectly happy with martial law, troops in the street, and having to stay in your home except for work as long as they could feel 'safe'. On the other end, I know people that think we're no longer 'free' since a farmer can't grow wheat for his own consumption if congress thinks he shouldn't. Then there are the millions of different lines in between.
"no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything. You cannot conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him."