Originally Posted by guccilvr
I can dance.. and I'm damn good. There are two problems though--
1. I'm jaded with the whole scene around here
2. Clubs only play shitty rap
See I do some breakdancing and some liquid.. and I hate rap. That doesn't lend to me and the wife going out much. Sure we could go to some decent clubs in Charlotte, but that's 3.5 hours away. I'd rather just throw a party at my house and dance there.
I think the problem with guys is that they associate dancing with sex too much. Sure if you have great rhythm on the dance floor it helps in bed but it's not always true. Just go out there and dance. Have fun. You may even get better as you go. Go with some people who can dance but aren't snobs. They can help you out without getting in your face so much. Dancing is about having fun..
The other thing I've noticed is that alot of times men like to move the upper portion of their bodies instead of flowing the whole body together. They totally forget they have feet or legs. Flailing your arms and shaking your hips looks a bit odd. So take a tip, move your whole body at least occassionally
i dont understand how u can do one of hte 4 elements of hiphop and hate rap. i mean, rap isnt hip hop per say, but its pretty much the same (did that make any sense) hah, its a subset i mean
i dont know what you guys have against club dancing these days. its pretty nice esp if a cute girl lets u grind with her