Originally Posted by Kensei
IQ tests are noteably unreliable as a means to test intelligence. They only focus on a very narrow set of criteria, totally ignoring the artisitic and imaginative side of man, which is where true genius lies.
I have to agree, although I have always scored very high on them, I still think that the things they actually tesy for are so limited as to be good only for testing a very small thing. There are many different types of intelligence that are not tested for. I think more then anything else it can lead people to think they are not so smart as they really are. Ok, so your cognitive reasoning for math may not be so good, but this doe's not speak of other reasoning skills, like those of the human heart, or one's artistic nature. Far to narrow a brush to paint with, and you only have one color, not much ability to express yourself with that. Same as this test, not much there to guage beyond a few narowly defined criteria.
Oh, and the intelligence that such tests test for, well, there is a saying that one can be too smart for their own good. I think it depends on your past and life history, but for some, like myself, it really is true, I would much rather be ignorant, life would be a lot funner.