Originally Posted by bobophil
the basic idea of Buddhism is really cool. I like it. If i wasn't Roman Catholic, i would totally be Buddhist. Dharma and Karma, and the big belly rubbing. *idiotic giggling*
Actually the truth is, thought many follow buddhism like a religion, it is really more of a philosophy then a religion. Tibetan buddhism is a good bit different actually then the three main schools of buddhism, and is not considered to be as valid a path of buddhism. Many consider it a bastardized form of buddhism really, and in many ways I'd have to agree. Anyhow, follow a philosophy, not a religion, you'll be much better off. Oh, and you can be a christian and an adherant of buddhism as well, just stop being so narrow minded and needing to label yourself as this or that, it's a philosophy, that just ain't arrogant enough in it's original form to call itself universal truth