Originally Posted by magictoy
The fart in the submarine here, which no one mentions, but everyone is aware of, is that if this father and daughter don't reproduce, every argument made to justify homosexual relationships applies.
That's just the reason that made me thin twice about this situation, Wouldn't be discriminatory to legalize same sex marriage and keep illegal incestous marriage if they consent to not inbreed?
Isn't one of the many justifications for gay marriage that they have the same right to be happy and treated equally than everybody else?
And going even further, shouldn't then poligamy be accepted as well, none of the problems associated with incestous relations and gay marriages exist there...
And don't get me wrong, as you can see in my OP i'm not saying that gay marriage is opening the pandora's box, but that society chnages constantly, and that I think that in a future (not near by the way), this kind of conduct could be widely accepted.
Reading Medusa's post, i couldn't but think about "Old Boy", what a great movie by the way...