For the last few yrs I have been getting sharp pains inside my rectum,my sister told me once her best friends rectum had collapsed,I hope thats not the case with me but anyway describing the pain I feel there is verra hard to explain but the best the comes to mind is it feels like there is a huge hard knot or maybe even a hard glass ball that....darn I can't think of the correct description but lets just say it's not hemmoroids,I've had those,this is futher up inside of my rectum,I want to know if anyone else is going through this or knows someone who has???
Going to the loo to do #2 is dreadful for me because sometimes and I've been told is that I might have irritable bowel symdrone,sometimes there blood and other times not but since yesterday I have had that and this morning is when that pain started,I'm ok if I don't move around or sit down,laying for about an hour is helpful but tis all,please let me know this sounds like something anyone esle is going through.