Originally Posted by host
The mixture of right wing media bashing, Bozell/Horowitz propaganda, and western imperialism, combined with the historical denial that is required to embrace the Bush policies, and the commitment to division that you've conveyed in your OP is revolting to my sensiblilities. It offers brute force as the "obvious" solution to a political situation rooted in a history of brute force justified by religious prejudice and colonialism.
There is no "moral high ground" to justify the conduct on either side. We in the US have suffered the tragedy of allowing what our government told us was a plot by 19 young suicide terrorists, directed by a former CIA trained and supplied, Afghan freedom fighter, a Saudi; against two building complexes on our soil, to eclipse all of our past efforts to turn away from our legacy of the Mossadegh coup and the backing of dictators like Saddam, and monarchists, like the Saudi princes.
There is no moral justification for your position, stevo. My advice to you is that you make an effort to accept that this is so.....
who said brute force is the "obvious" solution? Who suggested concentration camps and genocide? I know I didn't. What I meant by confront the threat head on, was not to go around gathering up muslims and put them into ovens, nor was it to go around torching mosques or whatever ideas you think I have. What I meant by confront head on is that we can't back down. All we seem to be doing today is backing down. First we need to recongnize there is a threat, then we need to do something about it.
From what I gathered from your last post is that you believe we are not at war with islamofascists because bush likes it friendly where there are oil interests. I guess you could have just said that.