Originally Posted by stevo
nicely done host. You've managed to say nothing yet again.
The question is: Why don't you believe we are at war with islamic fasicsts?
stevo, your "message" is promoted by the usual "suspects". It is ignorance driven myopic, Horowitz drivel:
"features" a symposium with your : "fjordman"
....to arrive to the point where your opinion brings you, denial of boxcar loads of context is required.
A wave of revulsion comes over me, when I see the US president warmly greeting, kissing, and holding the hand of the Saudi despot, as he guides that symbol of repression and theft of the national Saudi wealth off to a private meeting at the Crawford ranch....I cannot imagine how a muslim in the middle east reacts to that spectacle.
<center><img src="http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:NcOGxicvgScWDM:http://www.hermes-press.com/bush_saudi7.jpg"></center>
........The border was drawn intentionally to cut through the Afghan tribes whom the British feared and may have tried to disunite.
Afghanistan's loya jirga of 1949 declared the Durand Line invalid as they saw it as ex parte on their side (since British India ceased to exist in 1947 with the independence of Pakistan. This had no tangible effect as there has never been a move to enforce such a declaration. <b>Additionally, world courts have universally upheld uti possidetis juris, i.e, binding bilateral agreements with or between colonial powers are "passed down" to successor independent states, as with most of Africa. A unilateral declaration by one party has no effect; boundary changes must be made bilaterally.</b> Thus, the Durand Line boundary remains in effect today as the international boundary and is recognized as such by nearly all nations. Despite pervasive internet rumors to the contrary, U.S. Dept. of State and the British Foreign Commonwealth Office documents and spokespersons have recently confirmed that the Durand Line, like virtually all international boundaries, has no expiration date, nor is there any mention of such in any Durand Line documents. (The 1921 treaty expiration refers only to the 1921 agreements.).....
The Israeli people elected LEHI assassins of a UN diplomat as their prime ministers:
During the fight for Jewish statehood, extremist military groups sometimes resorted to the use of terrorist tactics. One such instance occurred in 1948 when members of the Jewish underground organization LEHI (Fighters for the Freedom of Israel) killed UN Peace Mediator Count Folke Bernadotte to protest his diplomatic efforts to modify the Palestine partition plan.
Bernadotte, a Swede with family ties to the Swedish King, gained international recognition through his work as head of the Swedish Red Cross during World War II. Bernadotte used his position to negotiate with Heinrich Himmler and save thousands of Jews from concentration camps, although many argue that he could have done more had he been less cautious in negotiations......
"There is no better way to govern Iran than Democracy and Social Justice!" -Mohammad Mossadegh
Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh (1882-1967) was a lawyer, professor, author, Governor, Parliament member, Finance Minister, Foreign Minister, and democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran.
Mossadegh fought both internal corruption and British colonialism, enacted social reforms and nationalized the Iranian oil industry. <b>In 1953, he was overthrown by a U.S. funded CIA coup, arrested and tried as a traitor in military tribunal court. It was America's first successful dismantling of a foreign government, and Iran has not known democracy since.</b>...
....and the examples go on....and on. stevo, it would be no small breakthrough if we were willing to recognize that we are paying for the sins of our grandfathers, but it is worse than that....our own government repeats and perpetuates these sins, and we align with former colonial powers, Britain for example, to further aggravate the historical grievances in Iraq, Afghanistan, and in Pakistan.
The mixture of right wing media bashing, Bozell/Horowitz propaganda, and western imperialism, combined with the historical denial that is required to embrace the Bush policies, and the commitment to division that you've conveyed in your OP is revolting to my sensiblilities. It offers brute force as the "obvious" solution to a political situation rooted in a history of brute force justified by religious prejudice and colonialism.
There is no "moral high ground" to justify the conduct on either side. We in the US have suffered the tragedy of allowing what our government told us was a plot by 19 young suicide terrorists, directed by a former CIA trained and supplied, Afghan freedom fighter, a Saudi; against two building complexes on our soil, to eclipse all of our past efforts to turn away from our legacy of the Mossadegh coup and the backing of dictators like Saddam, and monarchists, like the Saudi princes.
There is no moral justification for your position, stevo. My advice to you is that you make an effort to accept that this is so.....