Originally Posted by stevo
I just happened upon this guys blog today. This entry is a long one so I've presented the intro, and what I see as the crux of the entry. Please feel free to follow the link and read the entire article. http://gatesofvienna.blogspot.com/20...r-another.html
Why is it that a European has a better grasp on the problems facing america than most americans? Why is it there are so many that just don't believe this? Is it because of a hatred for bush and his policies? Is it blissful ignorance? or is it just plain disbelief that an entire group of people want us dead just for being who we are?
I see it enough, the left whitewashing the vitrol spewed from leaders in the muslim world. The calls for the anahilation of israel. calls for "true" believers to fight everything western - the duty to kill an american today. Just yesterday the saudi interior minister blamed the west for terrorism in a speech calling to fight extremists http://www.memritv.org/Transcript.asp?P1=1283 - In a speech about fighting extremism WE are the enemy! - But this thread is not about anything said by any one person, but the fact that most would rather make excuses and reasons why we aren't headed for a clash of civilisations than to accept that we have a problem and confront the threat head on.
They hated the west before israel existed.
They hated the west before we went into kuwait.
They hated the west before we went into afghanistan.
They hated the west before we went into iraq.
Should we kill them all, or put them in camps now to head off a clash of civilisations? I'll leave it to the curious to find out who the president and founder of memritv.org is, and his background.
Here's an excerpt from a "piece", written today by one of the two "contributors" to gatesofvienna.blogspot.com:
Thursday, October 05, 2006
The Albatross Media
by Dymphna
.......Callimachus always presents coherent and tightly ordered arguments. But this one…well, let me present the quote from a link on his post — he doesn’t actually quote it since he is moving on in building his argument—but I clicked the link out of curiosity. This is from the News Sedition Section of Yahoo, under the subsection US News, and a further drill down to “Bush Administration.” Bear in mind that this is not an editorial, it’s supposed to be a news report. However, it is anything but repotting. It’s sabotage disguised as reportage:
Bush ties campaign to national security
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — President Bush tried to drown out political anxieties about war and sex Wednesday by sounding alarm bells on national security and urging people to “vote Republican for the safety” of the country.
.....and here's an excerpt from the other "constibutor" to gatesofvienna.blogspot.com
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Suggestions for Solutions: A Preliminary Draft
by Baron Bodissey
We live in the age of the retreat of the Western world order. The West is declining as a percentage of world population, and in danger of being overwhelmed by immigration from poorer countries with booming populations. Westerners need to adjust our self-image to being just one of several powerful civilizations in the 21st century. As such, we also need to ditch Messianic altruism: We have no obligation to “save” the Islamic world, and do not have the financial strength or the demographic numbers to do so even if we wanted to.
We are not all-powerful and are not in the position to help all of the Third World out of poverty, certainly not by allowing all of them to move here. The West must first of all save itself. We need to regain our cultural confidence and reject Multiculturalism. <b>End the nonsense of “celebrating our differences.” We should be celebrating our sameness</b>......
....stevo, we are what we read....and you've been favorably impressed enough by the "stuff" coming from those two sites to frame a thread here around it.
Sounds like you've bought into this nonsense, from "our leader", who the majority of us have concluded, is on the "fringe":