Originally Posted by Marvelous Marv
Can't say I'm surprised at that, but in your haste to make yet another "tu quoque" accusation, you abandoned logic, since I'm talking about the hypocrisy of the SAME person.
If Duke Cunningham went on the lecture tour promoting integrity in government, I doubt that I'd buy any book he wrote. If that analogy is also lost on you, perhaps another reader will consider it relevant. If he or she gets a chance to read it.
I don't know why I thought things might have changed around here.
The logic of this argument is that a message must be judged by the person who presents it. Its valid for personal messages - I wouldn't ask my grandma what heroin feels like. For messages that are in no way personal, like Al Gore really re-wrapping and presenting what other people have been saying for a while now, there is no real basis for this argument except as to draw attention to bias that may be injected into the message.
I saw this movie recently and I must admit some of the graphs looked pretty scary and to see all that ice disappearing is concerning. There has been talk that the Australian ski fields will be gone in a matter of years because of global warming, if this is true then I think that is quite concerning. This year I ski'd new zealand and the season was one of the better ones on record.
Its certainly very hot here in Sydney and its only mid autumn. I'm not a scientist and so I have no real way of judging these claims but from what I've read I'm convinced that something real is occuring. I think Kyoto sounded like a fairly good idea to me, and I know the nations who pariticipated in it did reduce their emissions. I think economic measures are the best way to enforce compliance but really governments have to step up to the plate and stop this ridiculous free market globalization turn a blind eye attitude. We have to start being a little bit more responsible, rational and careful because at the moments its a very crowded party and there aren't a whole lot of beers left doesn't mean we should all go in and grab a six pack and hide it in a bunker somewhere. We're human beings and we should act more like a global community.
I think anytime anyone says either the "sky is falling" or "all those scientists who tell you the sky is falling are lying" to you they are probably pushing an agenda even if that agenda is just getting you to read their newspaper. The world is in many ways a fucked up place and I think we need to maintain constant dialogue on ways to deal with the complex challenges we face.
Fear mongering relies on idiots who will be scared easily and frankly there is no shortage of such people. If they weren't afraid of global warming they would be afraid of terrorism or the economy or communism - you can't try and protect people by attacking fear mongerers. We need to all rise up and become practical rather than reactionary.