Originally Posted by willravel
Sure. Polarization is a sharp division, as of a population or group, into opposing factions. An example would be Charles Dickens. Has Willravel lost his mind? What does Charles Dickens have to do with polarization? Yes, I've lost my mind, but bear with me. Read Dickens' works. Consider the effects of the Industrial Revolution in the UK. It brought about massive unemployment, slums, substantial social disorder, and, yes, polarization. While in that case it eventually strengthened the managment and improved governance...stability took a long time and costed many lives. What we are talking about is essentially the growing pains of civilization. Those pains are massive and the effects are far reaching.
Not only am I smart, but I have a really hot wife....but that is for a different thread. My impugnage was a warning intended to teach you the ways of TFP. Threadjacking is something to be avoided, and so are fallacies.
Oh, and welcome to TFP! 
*edited text*
Actually polarization is a sharp division, however you did not explain the why of it. Clearly you do not know, so I will tell all the folks out there.
Polarization happens, as it is now, because of technology, less personal communication between people, especially those of differing views then our own.
It can happen in any circumstances, be it more, or less developed countries, nations etc. However technology has increased the problem. What with the advent of the internet, cell phones, and other technology that tends to isolate us, we tend to not get out and met, talk to others. we do however tend to talk to, chat with others who have similiar beliefs to our own.
What with the isolating effect of recent technology, less and less people talk to or experience different ways of thinking or doing things besides their own, and that of others like them.
This kind of isolation leads to a lot of intolerance of the personal beliefs, thoughts, feelings, of others who do not agree with us, as well as a lot les acceptance in general. Intolerance and lack of acceptence lead to poor, or just plain no communication going on. Hence people don't really learn much beyond what they already know, and those like them who have "accepted their own point of view.
So, what you end up with is everyone splitting up into lots of little groups, each with their own set of beliefs, and each just as unwilling to embrace or even consider the thoughts and ideas of any other group. Worse still their all gathering together has a sort of mob mentality effect, with each encouraging the other within that group, nd making them even more resistant to hearing the thoughts, ideas of others. The ideas they cling to can end up taking on a life of their own, bringing the group together, and the identities of the very people belonging to that group can often become tied up with those idea's, and the group itself, which often becomes indivisible from the group itself. It has a self reinforcing effect really. This is polarization.
It is much worse now of course, because of the technology and the isolating effect it has on us as people, but it has always been there.
*edited text*
This post reads better without the tiresome personal comments. Warnings come next.