Originally Posted by lindalove
Okay, so... I just want some goddamn answers, not more mysteries. At this rate, this show is gonna get cancelled before we know anything.
Quoted for truth. Miserable episode. Intriguiging moments but this episode shows a disturbing direction for the new season. Part of what was always awesome about Lost was weaving the group with the individual. This episode entirely lost that. Additionally, it gave us no perspective. Everything that happened in this episode I could've easily assumed from the end of the last episode. There was no exposition. There was no explanation. Hell, there weren't even new questions raised!
Thanks for an hour of NOTHING. Fortunately next week looks like it improves on some of those problems.
Additionally, I'm going to assume that MonomAnny hasn't seen the other seasons, so I won't spoil anything for him. The opening really was the best part. It was all downhill from there.