did you make a recording of the wedding shani? like a video one--if you did and it's digital, maybe you could bite the audio track of the march and post it somewhere?
and being recently of philadelphia,here is a plug for the good mister rufus harley (r.i.p.) the finest and only (who can say?) jazz bagpipe player:
luckily my pal kenny does a show at wfmu and he provides a sample, hidden amongst several other fine treats....
damn it, i almost forgot.
funerals. what i want played at mine.
several sine waves very close in pitch to one another playing at a very high volume for a very long time so that they start making all kinds of notes that may or may not really be there.
or woolly bully.
that's by sam the sham and the pharoahs.
which is a great name.
they were kinda dashing, in a fucked up sort of way:
and so am i.
i mean this, which was about sam the sham et al:
"Wooly Bully" and a beard. Turbans and sheet-like outfits. The whole thing seems like years ago but actually isn't.
is like a photograph.