Originally Posted by Kensei
Your speaking in vague generalities, and easy thing to do, I'll admit. First off, why don't you explain polarization to the rest of us.
Sure. Polarization is a sharp division, as of a population or group, into opposing factions. An example would be Charles Dickens.
Has Willravel lost his mind? What does Charles Dickens have to do with polarization? Yes, I've lost my mind, but bear with me. Read Dickens' works. Consider the effects of the Industrial Revolution in the UK. It brought about massive unemployment, slums, substantial social disorder, and, yes, polarization. While in that case it eventually strengthened the managment and improved governance...stability took a long time and costed many lives. What we are talking about is essentially the growing pains of civilization. Those pains are massive and the effects are far reaching.
Originally Posted by Kensei
Also, lets not impugn someone for slowing down an arguement, I only see you doing that by sidetracking things. Your a smart guy obviously, but don't go out of your way to try and prove it, thats just sad.
Not only am I smart, but I have a really hot wife....but that is for a different thread. My impugnage was a warning intended to teach you the ways of TFP. Threadjacking is something to be avoided, and so are fallacies.
Oh, and welcome to TFP!