Originally Posted by FatFreeGoodness
I still use checks. Debit cards are LESS secure than checks.
Less secure? If you lose your debit/credit card you can at least block it very quickly. Also, any good bank will cover fraud if you report it straight away.
Originally Posted by FatFreeGoodness
I have my car detailed, and intend to pay $40. The shop deducts $70, with a reasonable explanation. It’s up to me to straighten this out with the shop, not the bank.
This has never happened in any of my estimated 10'000+ card payments. But if they charge your debit/credit card more than what you signed for, the bank will cover you and go after the shop. This is at least the case for my US bank, Wells Fargo.
Originally Posted by FatFreeGoodness
"I'm also able to stop the [direct debit] bills manually, since they're visible online 15-20 days before they take effect."
No, not true.
Yes, true. By clicking a thrash can icon next to the claim. This is in my Norwegian bank though. A direct deposit is treated as a
giro with a certain due date. It is simply visible online about 2 weeks before that.
Dealing with businesses as if they were AOL is just paranoid. My phone, electricity, and credit card bills are paid by direct deposit. These companies are allowed to charge my account and I can control their access online. I've set up my rent to be transferred to my landlord's account the 1st every month. For other random stuff, such as magazine subscriptions, donations or whatever, I get a giro where I have to approve the transaction online. Any other day to day shopping I use credit or debit card.