I'm very intereseted, i didnt preorder tho. The ideas for the new vehicles/aircraft seem really good. I hope the mechs handle well and dont tip easily.. and those harrier-like chopper/plane dealies look like they'll be interesting. flying as fast as a plane witht eh ability to swoop in and hover over an area like a chopper :P atleast from waht i can make out form the videos hehe.
One thing looked like it was maybe an unmanned saucer drone aircraft maybe remote-piloted sorta like the droids were in the star wars mod for 1942 (galactic conquest).
Yeesh i just watched more videos and i peed a little. They seem to have taken so many ideas and crammed them into this game. Stuff from mods from their previus games and stuff like that. The customizable gear looks really good. I wonder how much of that stuff you'll ahve to unlock tho with ranks.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUyJJMuq2js <--long one from E3