Originally Posted by jorgelito
Thanks guys. TO clarify:
I do 5 sets - my reps are to the brink of collapse (til I can't do no more), then I rest in between of course. Oddly, I never count, I just try to push myself as hard as I can (it's like reverse weight lifting without a spotter - the ground is my spotter). I figure it's pretty intense (for a home workout). I do this M,W,F.
My goal is to firm up/ add a bit of mass or convert the fat what have you in the chest and arms, shoulders. I'm also trying to lose the gut.
I think I will pick up some dumbells and work from there. I will let you guys know in 6 weeks how things are.
Thats your problem. You have to progressivly build both number and difficulty from the start to then end of your workout, and you also must have workouts that are designed to aid in your recovery in bewteen hard ones. Has no one taught you that rest is as essential. You don't just rest in between sets, but in between hard workouts with much easier ones. It sounds to me like you push yourself too hard, and in turn your muscle doe's not have a chance to rebuild itself bigger and stronger, and give you the mass your looking for. Too much of a good thing is as bad as to little, so back off some, and you will see the results you want. Moderation in all things.