Originally Posted by Ch'i
Yep. Muscle size, thickness depends alot on a balanced diet.
If you want to maintain your size and health: 33% Carbs; 33% Fats, 33% Protein.
If you want to build lean muscle: 50% Protein, 25% Carbs, 25% Fats
If you want to increase muscle size: 40% Fats, 40% Carbs, 20% Protien
I tend to shy away from any supplements; I've never had a good experience with any. I always just use Whey protein powder. It doesn't taste too bad after awhile, and it provides around 20-25 g protein per serving, along with some amino acids. I also use flaxseed; gotta love those omega-3 fatty acids.
Actually chi it will only appear to build lean musckle, your realy just losing fat, hence you can see the muscle a lot better. Diets high in protein and lower in carbs actually will take away muscle, since if your body lacks carbs to burn as energy, it will instead burn protein, an inferior source of energy, trhats ketogenic, not so good for you.
If your active enough, and have a low carb diet, your body will actually break down and use muscle as energy. Look into it a bit more chi, what your advocating is old school knowledge, like eating 12 raw eggs like rocky before his workout began. Was thought to be good back then, but now we know better, and 25 percent compared to 50% protein is just no good period, especially if you are very active.