1. There is no way in hell that some Democratic members of Congress did not know about this situation. Pages talk.
This is the Hastert defense and there is no evidence to support it. There is evidence that the Repub chairman of the House Page Board was told last year by a fellow Republican (that same Repup did not tell the Dem co-chair of the Page Board) that Foley was exchanging "friendly" e-mails with a minor.
2. Among the media sources who seem to have withheld the story are the New York Times and the LA Times. It wasn't just Fox News.
So ABC took a more aggressive approach. I dont see where this is an issue at all.
ABC’s Brian Ross “dismissed suggestions by some Republicans that the news was disseminated as part of a smear campaign against Mr. Foley,” the New York Times reports. “I hate to give up sources, but to the extent that I know the political parties of any of the people who helped us, it would be the same party,” Mr. Ross said, referring to Republicans.
Was it just a "slip-up" that Fox News labeled Foley a Democrat on O’Reilly's show last night?

3. The parents of the page asked that it not be made public.
Congress has a responsibility to ensure the safety of all the Pages which overrides the wishes of any one page's parents.
4. Foley was known to be gay. It doesn't go over well these days to imply that a gay person has ever done anything wrong. If you doubt the aggression that is increasingly emitted from the gay community, scroll back in this thread.
Have you read the gay bashing from the anti-gay community? #28.