Originally Posted by analog
Everyone is focusing on trying to make me respect the Amish for some reason, when my entire opening post was about how they decide to keep themselves stagnant and never evolve mentally, as a culture. They intentionally keep thselves from advancing, growing, etc.
I'm talking about the underlying issue of an entire culture intentionally limiting their own growth and learning, as a whole, and what that means in the big picture- as it relates to denying our very nature of adapting to change, and learning.
Your idea of progress is vague. Many people who have responded have
not tried to make you respect them, but to throw into relief your concept of what "progress" is. It would be helpful if you gave us a bit more of a detailed idea of how you find the Amish to be "stagnant."
You are taking for granted that the Western concept of "change"and "progress" are those most in line with human nature.