Originally Posted by analog
Everyone is focusing on trying to make me respect the Amish for some reason, when my entire opening post was about how they decide to keep themselves stagnant and never evolve mentally, as a culture. They intentionally keep thselves from advancing, growing, etc.
I'm talking about the underlying issue of an entire culture intentionally limiting their own growth and learning, as a whole, and what that means in the big picture- as it relates to denying our very nature of adapting to change, and learning.
I think you are making an assumption that cultural growth and societal learning are somehow the whole point of human existence.
So, if one buys into your unsubstantiated thinking on the neccessity for cultures to evolve to use cars and computers, you may be right. But since the premise you put forth is pretty shaky to begin with, I don't know how many people will agree with you.