Aha! Something to discuss! Thanks for coughing up the real issue, ace. NOW we can talk.
I'm pretty torn about outsourcing. I'm not against companies doing it per se, and I certainly understand the business motivation to do it. But it sure is rough on the local economy, to say nothing of the workers. Exporting jobs (and therefore dollars) isn't good for the economy on a macro level--though I admit, I'm not an economist, and there's likely much about it I don't know or misunderstand.
On a worker level, I was a computer programmer during the time when a LOT of programming work was being shipped to India. This was before the callcenter boom moved a bunch of CS and inbound sales positions there too. It was like a nuclear bomb went off in the IT world--suddenly your job was on the chopping block and who was going to fill your seat was some telecommuting Indian making 1/3 your salary. Scary times.