Their refusal to use cars, technology, etc., is not based simply on a refusal to change. Their belief is that these things, including mirrors and cameras, by the way, are materials of vanity that serve no purpose in their lives and beliefs. (A splinter group, the Mennonites, use cars, but chrome is blackened.)
They believe they are here to serve God and by living a humble life, they are doing God's work and what God wants of them.
They call us the 'English', speak old world German and don't have churches, but worship in designated homes.
It's getting harder for the younger ones to avoid assimilation; some have left their families, a very hard decision as they become shunned.
They don't necessarily eschew medicine and some technologies if there is no other way, they just don't make it a part of their life.
They are a very peaceful, well organized community, they are not completely so cut off that they don't interact; in Lancaster County, PA, there's a plethora of Amish businesses, mainly fine crafts and it's a major tourist area, but when taking the backroads, a very beautiful, buccolic countryside abounds.
I totally respect their lifestyle and sometimes wish we were closer to it. Look at us, stressed, wanting for things that do us no good, really, always wishing things for ourselves....selfish beings we are..when's the last time you picked up a hammer and saw and helped someone? The last time you planted your own food?
We hop in our cars and think we can beat our time from the last trip out by 10 minutes, speed our way to wherever to do...what? Hell, maybe they have it right and we're wrong
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.