Great to have you intense1. That's the thing, most of the world does fall into that moderate category, but moderates do not make the news like extremists, and unfortunately extremists tend to form the stereotypes of those uneducated in something. Hence, causing people to relate Islam to violent sects bent on the destruction of he West, where if you spend time in the middle east you realize that most of Islam preaches peace, similar to most of Christianity, Buddhist, Hinduism and so on... It's the few that take the religion and twist it into something it is not that make the news. And those who watch the news and know nothing of that part of society or culture form their stereotypes.
Unfortunately, moderation doesn't make the news. That church that gathers food and contributions to help it's members in need does not get any recognition (until the media decides to try and bend that churches tithing policies and try and twist it into a story about how churches should not operate as non-profit/tax free organizations). No, instead we focus on that church that holes itself in a building and claims a comet is going to take them to heaven, and on the year of their mass-suicide we see a blurb about them on the front page of our newspapers.