Originally Posted by Intense1
As a newbie here on TFP, I am a bit trepidatious to respond in this thread.
Welcome!! It's great to have new people contribute to the community.
Originally Posted by Intense1
4. "Army of God" is not a literal army.
One of the most interesting things about religon is that it can become a magnifying mirror into our own souls. If someone who has violence and anger in their heart reads "put on the whole armor of God", they will don armor and create an army of God. It's that simple. That is part of what makes the church an extention of humanity, and what makes it so popular and highly emotional.
Originally Posted by Intense1
5. Christian kids aren't taught that it is a glorious thing to go and blow up a group of innocent civilians, killing themselves in the process. I have yet to see this happen - if you have, please, enlighten me (crusades not included)
Most Christian kids are taught that Jesus preached about peace. Not all. There are radicals in every religon. The leader of our contry is convinced that God wanted us to invade Iraq, and he has said so on several occasions. That message, coming from a highly religous and highly recognizable member of our society, can be far reaching in it's influence.
I imagine it's not wholely disimilar from Islam, where most of the leaders are reasonable teachers of peace, understanding, and tolerance. A few obnoxious leaders claim that Islam means violence and bloodshed and the whole lot get stereotyped based on the few. Most Christians are wonderful, peaceful, understanding members of society who do a lot of good.
Originally Posted by Intense1
6. Organized religion isn't killing people - those who high-jack organized religion kill people.
Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Still, guns are dangerous and should be protected from those who would use them for selfish or harmful reasons. People with guns should be watched.
Originally Posted by Intense1
7. Jesus is scandalously different than most of what mainstream American denominations have portrayed Him to be.
There are no words to describe how much I agree with this statement.