Wireless can be either 54 megabit a second (802.1a/g), 11 megabit a second (802.11b). As long as you have a slower internet connection (mines 3 megabit) you won't have any bottle neck so you will notice no real difference being wired or wireless. for transferring files between computers on your network, a 54 megabit connection will run less than half as fast as a 100 megabit wired connection, and an 11 megabit connection will run about 5% of a 100 megabit wired (wireless has more overhead then 100 wired, so it is less than half). As for range, range has no impact on speed; interference does, the more interference, the slower the speed has to be for a good connection.
wireless spec is about 115 meters, so you should be just fine being a floor away, however, most antennas’ are not truly unidirectional, they form a donut shape around the antenna, so if the antenna is directly above or below the second computers antenna, it will get low or no signal. To fix this, either make sure they are not directly above one another, or angle the routers antenna at a 45 degree angle away from the second antenna.
You will also want to experiment with placement, inside of walls are lots of things that can block or reduce signal strength, it is easiest to guess and check good locations rather than mapping it all out.
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