Originally Posted by ratbastid
From everything you've posted since the OP, I doubt that very, very much. You weren't interested in a better understanding of anything--you had an agenda and a point to make,
I did have an agenda, and a point to make but I was open to go with the flow of the discussion and learn. I did go with the flow, and I have participated in responding to what you and others presented.
and to hell with anybody's success or life, you were going to use the answers you got to make that point.
Partially true. The responses speak for themselves. the points you take from the thread are different from the ones I take. I don't have the power nor am I that smart to prove anything in theoretical discussions.
In your sad little world, liberals (whatever the hell that even means) are automatically wrong, so the point of this thread was to figure out exactly what flavor of wrong they are with regard to business.
I see things different than you and many others. I am willing to explore those differences. I am willing to defend my position, I am willing to expose how I think and come to conclusions, I am willing to be challenged. You may not believe that, but that's o.k.
Is it even slightly conceivable that you might have "learned" from this thread that liberals are responsible business people whose business strategy operates from a strong social conscience?
I remember doing a study of Ben and Jerry's Icecream. I thought their business model was an excellent example of a combination of a corproation making money and being socially responsible. then they sold the business.
No, you'd never "learn" that, because that doesn't fit your existing view or the agenda you posted to push. Or if you did see that, you'd call it a weakness.
I am begining to feel like I am being scolded, and that I am a bad person. Is this generally how one should respond to someone who has a differnt point of view than you. What exactly did I do that was wrong?
You fabricated an artificially narrow straw-man question, and then when people answered it as if it were a real-world question, you accused them of dodging the question. Then when people started answering the question your agenda required them to answer, you used that to generalize and score points on liberals across the board.
I have not scored any points. I am not sure what you mean by that. Yes, the OP was artificially narrow, but I thought I explained that. And, the OP was simplified but it is reflective of real business problems and some of the variables business people struggle with.
THEN when you've got somebody telling the honest truth about how he messed himself up, you use THAT to score MORE general, broad, sweeping points on your personal political boogie-men. pan's business was successful--then his addiction killed it. It's like if I've got a clock that's running perfectly, keeping perfectly good time, and I accidentally smash it with a hammer, that's not because the clock was somehow faulty or that my maintenance and stewardship of the clock was insufficient. Something external to my management of the clock killed the clock--waving the hammer around was probably a mistake, and probably broke things aside from the clock, but that doesn't make me a bad clock haver. But you turn that into "Why can't liberals admit their clocks don't work? They won't admit that they fail to have working clocks!"
I'm actually very deeply offended by how you turned the story of pan's addiction into a broad brush to tar all those who disagree with you. You should be ashamed of yourself. That was a human being telling the truth about his life--it doesn't happen often in this world and I'll be damned if I'll sit by and let you shit on it.
I apologize to Pan, you and anyone else I offended.
You have demonstrated zero interest in learning in this thread. There has been zero acceptance or compassion or even tolerance for other human beings. You have provided zero thinking or logic. This entire thread has been a waste of database space, and I'm done with it.
Hyperbole? Or, are you guilty of what you accuse me of?
Originally Posted by dc_dux
Having never been an entrepreneur, I had no personal experience or knowledge to bring to this discussion.
But I did find this real world comparison, based on a Business Week study, between Costco and Walmart's Sam's Club to make a reasonable argument that you dont have to pay low wages compared to your competitor to survive and thrive:
By my responding to Ace in this manner, will this thread disappear as well? 
I appreciate you sharing this article.
I shop at Costco regullarly I was in a Sam's Club once, did not like it and I rarely shop at walmart. I think the beauty in competetive markets is illustrated in the article. I don't think Sam's or Walmart's business model is deserving of the labels often given. People can choose where they work and they can choose where they shop. Land owners can choose who they sell their land to. In the long-run I honestly believe the higher productivity at Costco will win the day. But understand, I am basing my opinion on productivity. Costco pays more, but they get more from every dollar spent.