This is a personal pet peeve of mine, for some reason I find it to borderline on offensive that someone would waste my time because they're tied to an outdated and archaic mode of payment.
I wouldn't mind so much, but invariably when I get stuck in line at the store behind these people they wait until AFTER everything has been wrung up and the cashier gives them the total BEFORE they put so much as the date on the damn check! Then after they spend an ungodly amount of time scratching out all those little lines they make everybody stand there longer while they fill the entire thing into the check register! And like previous posters mentioned, most of these retailers simply convert the check to an EFT and hand you the paper back! What the hell was the freaking point of that entire rigamarole?! [/rant]
To borrow a phrase from Dane Cook "No, no. . . you know what?! @$#% CHECKS!"