Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
I think I'm spelling this right... mushin
it is supposedly a meditative state that is difficult to reach where there are absolutley no thoughts in your mind.
The term is correct, however to say there are no thoughts might be a little misleading. There is awarenes, and a focus, however thoughts do not intrude upon them. One could argue that focus is thought, however no mind means literally no mind, atleast not the physical one, which is the false mind.
Mushin is a Japanese term, a practice employed by warriors in combat to make them far more deadly. When you can attain mushin you act with the one true mind, not the physical mind, but the mind which is inherant and exists before birth, the spirit. It is the intrusion of the false mind that causes one to falter and fail in arts martial. This is also true in life.
Truth be told, mushin can be as easy or as hard to attain as you make it. Usually it takes many years of training, basically to attain what is really a natural state for us. Your really learning to unlearn all the obstacles of your psyche that have been created throughout an entire lifetime. Basically it ain't easy, simple, but not easy.
Originally Posted by loganmule
Doesn't Dungeon's experience beg the questions, first, of whether it was only a subjectively generated one, existing only in his mind and, second, whether or not the answer to the first question makes any difference? I've had visions while meditating, and although I find them enjoyable in their own right, it seems to me that the experience is coming solely from me, as opposed to my interacting with any energy/reality independent from me.
You err in assuming that you are independent of the energy and reality around you
It is only your belief that you are that creates that particular reality, which is subjective indeed.