Originally Posted by la petite moi
I have denied a customer at my job before because his driver's licence did not match his credit card. He argued that it was his boss's card, and that it was for his business, yadayada...I just told him that he would have to pay with a different method and perhaps his boss should send him with his driver's licence as well to prevent fraud.
Credit card fraud at Starbuck's? Perish the thought...
Originally Posted by MrFlux
So... can you guys not get a PIN on your credit cards or something?
Swipe credit card, enter PIN, done. No I.D. / signature check required.
In my case, as I mentioned in the OP, Grancey has banished me from the finances, which means I am also banished from the PIN. If you ever get behind us in the grocery store or Wal-Mart when she uses her card as a debit card, I'm the guy who suddenly spins around backward as she starts entering the PIN. I'm trying to NOT see it by accident, and I look like a Secret Service agent protecting the back of my client while I scan the entire store from side to side.