I do. I pay all my bills with checks as I like a paper trail. Far too many businesses have tried the "Oh, we never recieved your payment" bullshit with me only to find that the check was cashed weeks before.
Then there is the simple fact that I have little faith in online banking. Since the banking online boom, I've gotten atleast 5 notices from my bank stating that somebody got into their system.
People are more at risk for being ripped off due to indentity theft than with a paper check. Most places cash checks electronically, so if people are writing bad checks, they are going to deal with overwithdrawl fees and everything else.
It's no worse than people that like to overdraw on their debit cards.
In terms of ecomonics, paper checks are the least of the problems.
I cannot find the article I read a few weeks ago, but banks like Country Wide are over 40 billion dollars in debt because people cannot make the minimum payment on their interest only mortages. Washington Mutual isn't far behind. Wall Street likes to play it's number games by absorbing these figures to make the housing market look better than what it really is.
So compared to that, for the 2 minutes it takes for a human to scan my check, it's really not a big deal.