Originally Posted by iccky
So is two smaller monitors a better choice than 1 ginormous monitor?
Say, 2 17-inch instead of 1 24-inch?
two side by side 17 inchers, or one 24-inch WIDESCREEN
With two 17 inchers, you will have two separate sets of realestate to work with. The downside to that is that you can not have anything "Big" in that you'll split it between two screens (movies)
One 24-inch widescreen might give you a little bit less realestate overall, but you can have tons of things all over your screen at one time without that bar in the middle where the two screens would have been separate.
Two 17 inchers can probably cost less than one 24 inch widescreen for now. Again, as hulk said, its all up to taste (and what you intend to do with it)