I have been reading this thread, trying not to laugh. These same arguments are gonna be going on in 20yrs. Honestly, who gives a shit. Your boy lost, your boy won, your boy inherited a shit sandwich, your boy got a blow job. The investigation into clinton was a huge waste of money simply because the spineless assholes in congress wouldn't do their jobs. The budget is in the shitter because too many people think it's their business to take my money and give it to someone else. Why should I have to pay for anyones education or roads in some other state? Unions have priced themselves out of the market, so business cajoled the gov. into nafta and such, so they could afford workers. So now all of the jobs are moving. Well guess the fuck what? learn to do something else! Don't like the way politics are going? quit yer bitchin, find a candidate or be one, convince joe six pack your point of view is right, and win some fucking elections! teach your voters how to use a fucking ballot. Don't like the way the courts are stacked? Win something and stack them yourself. The reason we have a conservative congress, supreme court, and president is because people are sick of democrats on the national and statewide level. So shut up and figure out what they want, then do it. It's a representative government, so shove your idealism up your ass, shut your pie hole and represent!
"My give up, my give up." - Jar Jar Binks