Originally Posted by Deltona Couple
Thank you. My point was summed up right there. In all honesty, in MY experience, I have rarely ran into couples that have set boundaries because of insecurities or concerns. Not that it doesn't happen, I will admit, just that it isn't as common as some people believe. It's all personal preferences for each couple.
Yes and no. Sure some may well be personal preferences but others just scream out insecurity, unwilling partner, etc. In OUR experiance we have seen this time and time again, couples will have a list of rules a mile long, you can touch here but not there and I can do this and she can do this, blah blah, and its almost always an unwilling partner being dragged along or just general insecurity. The swinging community isn't that large and these people rarely stick around long.
Some rules and boundaries are fine, but there are limits. If I get to later, I'll post a good, real example.